Product Returns Avoidance: Strategies for Reducing Product Returns in the Computer & Consumer Electronics Industry

Nov 14, 2021

While product returns were already present way before, the boom of e-commerce shaping the retail environment also affected product returns and its policies. Giant brand Amazon, who pushed forward their flexible return policies to drive more sales, later influenced other retailers to adopt it unless they want to be left in the dust.

Today, customers don’t just expect flexible return policies; they demand them. And many businesses are eager to meet this demand if only to retain their loyalty. It’s no surprise then that product return rates increase almost every year. This also means that businesses lose millions of dollars every year from return costs alone.

Moreover, managing product returns is a complicated process in itself. There are multiple steps in the process and each step is an additional cost. Because of this, what reverse logistics professionals can do is try their best to lower the return rate every year.

However, over the years, a number of tactics have been developed to minimize or avoid product returns. And with the aid of emerging technology such as AR and Computer Vision, these can be the secret weapon for businesses in dealing with product returns.

And you can learn about these strategies in our newest whitepaper: Product Returns Avoidance: Strategies for Reducing Product Returns in the Computer & Consumer Electronics Industry. Click this link to download and read it for free.

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